Our Trip

This site is to document our trip West from Atlanta, GA. Don, Bingo, Alex and Ali will be driving West to see:
Carlsbad Caverns,
The Grand Canyon,
Yellowstone, and
Mt. Rushmore
then back to Atlanta.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Picture help

I added a new page (left side of this page) with a link to the pictures.  This is updated frequently, with or without a blog entry.  I will try to post to the blog when I update pictures from now on, though.

A photostream is also available on the left hand side of the page.


  1. What great pictures - every day. Hope you labeled them somewhere. Take an experienced photographer's word; it is hard to remember exactly what it is or where you were when you took that picture. I love it when your program shows where you are on the map when you took the picture.

  2. Great! My phone adds the location to the picture so I have tried to take some of the pics with my phone to allow for viewing on a map.


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