Our Trip

This site is to document our trip West from Atlanta, GA. Don, Bingo, Alex and Ali will be driving West to see:
Carlsbad Caverns,
The Grand Canyon,
Yellowstone, and
Mt. Rushmore
then back to Atlanta.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

New picture album

There is a new Picture album of the Grand Canyon pictures from today.  I still had trouble with the time on the camera, I figured it out though, and tomorrow will update the time so that the order will be correct between the phone and camera pictures.

btw, for the questions about the mapping of the pictures, most were done automatically be the phone.  It can be done by hand, but I have not done that on this trip.

Grand Canyon

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful start to my day! It looks as though you loved the Grand Canyon as much as I do. And you have many wonderful pictures. When I figure out how to download a picture, I am sure dad will want several to paint.

    When are you guys going to catch up fashionwise with your gals?? Love the hats!


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