Our Trip

This site is to document our trip West from Atlanta, GA. Don, Bingo, Alex and Ali will be driving West to see:
Carlsbad Caverns,
The Grand Canyon,
Yellowstone, and
Mt. Rushmore
then back to Atlanta.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Note from the blogger

I am a little slow with the updates here.  I promise to get more days out soon. 

I have also found a technical issue with the blogger album.  I have added a new album for more recent pictures.  Please look for the Northward Ho link on the Pictures page as well.


  1. We are envious of your photography abilities. Cannot believe the wonderful pictures from the moving vehicle. Isn't it true you could drive a Mack truck through the Kaibab forest?
    Love the video. But I did not hear anyone singing along. If you need help with the words, I'll be glad to help. Will be singing it while we paint.

  2. If you see any CDs by Fred & Michele Lucas, I would love to have one. I have a tape, but it is old. Fred also paints and one of his small scenes would be lovely, too. Glad to pay for them.

  3. I did not mean to put that video into Picasa. It belongs on Youtube. I will get it there eventually.

    Where would I find a CD by Fred and Michele Lucas? Are they musicians or artists?


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