Our Trip

This site is to document our trip West from Atlanta, GA. Don, Bingo, Alex and Ali will be driving West to see:
Carlsbad Caverns,
The Grand Canyon,
Yellowstone, and
Mt. Rushmore
then back to Atlanta.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Good Morning, Carlsbad

Gooooodddd MOOORRRNNIING Carlsbad!!!!

Off to a day at the Caverns!  l8r


  1. NOW we are missing the Great Southwest! Your pictures are great (don't you just love the sunsets???) Who knew there were so many types of cacti? And blooming beautifully. I thought your trip may have been a little late to see any cactus in bloom.

    Looks like you are having a good time, even the "lost" time. My artist-in-residence may download his favorite photos to add to his to-be-painted file. They are great. Thanks for taking the time to share.

  2. Butterfly, if I may be so bold as to ask...who are you?

  3. Butterfly is your mom's high school nick name

    She apologizes for the mystery name....

  4. I want to know THAT story, btw


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